Guide to Agile Methodology in Software Development

Do you know about agile methodology in software development? Software development companies have been developing software applications that fulfill the needs of the users. These software applications cater to the needs of curious users who have been quite reluctant to use applications that are based on the latest technologies.

The developing era, digitization, and global adherence to trends have pushed almost all businesses and organizations to look into the scope of better and more advanced applications for users.

In order to meet such needs, a custom software development company uses and swears some prominent software development methodologies.

These methodologies help them look into the needs of the users, understand their requirements, and develop the application accordingly. One such methodology is Agile in software development.

While the waterfall was the most seemed one before agile, now is the time when developers embrace agile more than any other methodology.

What is Agile Methodology in Software Development?

This methodology is usually preferred since it offers development and testing concurrently thus avoiding any challenges at the end of the development of the project.

It is a highly pursued methodology as it saves the time of developers. The core values of Agile solely focus on:

a) Individual and team interactions for transparent and better communication flow. Developers prefer to involve the client and stakeholders as well to ensure that everyone is on the same page and understands the ins and outs of the project well.

b) Working Software is preferred over documentation as developers don’t want to run around preparing documentation and lagging behind the actual software development process.

c) Customer Collaboration is applauded as customers are the ones who are the end users of the software applications. In agile methodology, customers are involved in the project to seek their understanding and approval.

d) The last value of agile methodology is responding to change rather than following a defined plan. Developers believe in development and testing concurrently in agile software development.

Agile & Waterfall Comparison

Let’s analyze the comparison of agile with the waterfall framework. Both being the best and usually preferred methodologies, why do developers mostly opt for agile?

1) The waterfall method follows a strict procedure i.e. sequential flow from the start point to the endpoint. The agile method is different, it proposes an incremental and iterative approach to software design and development.

2) Waterfall methodology does not offer the breakup of design models into individual models for developers to work on. On the other hand, Agile offers developers a breakdown of the individual model so that it is easier for developers to focus.

3) Since the waterfall model offers a sequential plan, a top-rated software development company uses it to be safe and secure to carry on with. Agile is prompt, spontaneous, and unconstructed when compared to the waterfall framework.

4) The developed software is tested at the end in the waterfall method as per the process and procedure defined. If any changes or errors are identified, the project needs to start from the beginning of development. In an agile framework, errors, bugs, and changes are fixed right during the development process itself.

5) In the waterfall model, users’ and stakeholders’ acceptance is considered at the end of the project. Whereas, in agile methodology, user and stakeholder acceptance is considered and pushed after the completion of each sprint.

12 Principles of Agile Methodology in Software Development

1) The first preference in agile is always customer satisfaction. That is why after the completion of every phase, customers are consulted, and their acceptance is preferred.

2) Any kind of change in the project due to the dynamic environment is well accepted since agile methodology believes in providing customers with the best services.

3) Any product or service is delivered at a higher rate avoiding any kind of delay.

4) There is a close collaboration of customers and developers on the project.

5) Agile framework pushes stakeholders and team members to stay motivated and positive about the project outcomes.

6) Preference is always in having face-to-face meetings for maximum communication and details sharing.

7) success is measured by the final product.

8) Agile believes in having a maintainable development by keeping a regular pace of development.

9) There is a regular focus on technical excellence and proper design.

10) Keep things simple.

11) Emphasize is on having self-organized teams to build the best architectures and designs.

12) The team improves its ability and talents at regular intervals through fine-tuning behavior.


Wrapping up, the more we dig deep into knowing agile methodology in software development, the more we find relevant information. Software development companies today are seeking agile since it offers more descriptive final rewards than any other methodology.

The quick and prompt response to software development enables developers to develop and test the project concurrently thus avoiding any delay in delivering a quality output.

Siya Carla is the Solution Consultant at Finoit Technologies, a leading custom software development company that provides unique web design and mobile app development services. By creating interactive mobile apps for 450+ customers across the globe, Finoit enjoys a great reputation as a prominent mobile app development company.