Is Cloud Hosting Versus Shared Hosting: Which Should You Pick?


Have you seen cloud hosting vs shared hosting? In this article, we will tell you about both cloud hosting and shared hosting. Web hosting is an essential piece in the puzzle of having a site live on the internet. Typically, the hosting service determines the website’s performance, so making the right decision is critical. Your website represents your brand, and it can affect your competitive edge when it’s down, that is why you should choose cloud hosting providers in Dallas or others carefully.

Various web hosting services vary from standard shared hosting to virtual private servers (VPS). But what is the difference? Certainly, the major distinction is usually between the cloud and shared web hosting, with each having its benefits to the business.

While the web hosting functions between the two services are tiered the same, they have completely different processes. Your choice should be based on your business needs.

Which Hosting Service do you Choose?

A major consideration when choosing a website is the amount of traffic you are getting and how much you are ready to invest. More importantly, what is your priority?

For shared hosting, the web hosting company creates and maintains servers to accommodate multiple websites, which compete for the same resources. Some companies pile numerous websites on a single server, often at the expense of the site’s speed and performance. That means your site performance and speed take a nosedive if another website in the same pool is taking up a lot of resources.

But if you are short on budget and your current traffic levels are not so high, shared hosting is not a bad idea. It is suitable for startups and small businesses.

On the downside, shared hosting can have issues such as security. If one website is compromised, others in the shared servers are also at risk.

Cloud hosting is safer, as it exists on multiple servers. That means cloud hosting providers Dallas or others can bounce your site from one server to another to accommodate various performance variables. Cloud hosting is more dynamic than shared hosting and allows scalability.

You can upgrade to cloud hosting when the traffic to your site increases or when the occasional site visit spikes become more frequent. With enterprise cloud solutions in Dallas, resources of multiple servers are at the disposal of your site. This allows for unlimited expansion.

Cloud hosting service is also ideal if your business website requires more in-depth or advanced security features. In more ways than one, you can conclude that cloud hosting is better than shared hosting. You should also make sure to enhance data security.

The major shortcoming of shared hosting is its price tag, which is considerably higher than shared hosting. However, the reliability, improved security, and scalability you get from shared web hosting or shared VPS hosting are worth the cost. The advantages of cloud hosting for a large website or e-commerce outweigh the cost.

Consider your priorities when choosing a web hosting service. The shared service has basic features ideal for a website with low traffic, and more importantly, it is pretty affordable for a startup. You can always upgrade to the more scalable cloud hosting if the traffic increases or when the need for advanced security features increases.

I am a young digital marketer and a blog analyst, Author from Uttarakhand, India. I have been into blogging since 2013 and helping businesses with their SEO requirements. I have 12 years of experience; during the journey, I have worked on many websites and made good friends. I research and share my knowledge with everyone to help them succeed as solopreneurs, businessmen, and entrepreneurs. You can also find me on LinkedIn and see my entire journey.