5 Customisable Features for Sage Intacct


Sage Intacct has a best-in-class reputation for accounting software. This does not mean that it’s a “one-size-fits-all” solution and cannot be changed to fit your individual business needs, however. We know that each business is unique and one-size-fits-all doesn’t work; we help businesses create a solution that is completely catered to their business requirements.

Features for Sage Intacct

Outlined below are just some of the ways that we can help tailor Sage Intacct to fit your business needs:

Custom Dashboards and Reports

Out of the box, Sage Intacct comes with an inbuilt custom report-writing tool. This creates reports with full drill-down capabilities, which means you can track right back to the source documents from within your report. Creating comparison reports is simple, whether you want to compare period on period, or Budgets VS Actuals. Sage Intacct goes even further with its calculation column, allowing you to create your own calculations and embed them within your report.

All reports can be filtered by the dimensions (standard: Location, Class, Department, Customer, and Suppliers). However, rows and rows of numbers can make decision-making slow. Sage Intacct has a graph-creating tool that allows you to show trends and make the data more visible, speeding up decisions. All graphs and reports can be added onto a dashboard to view all in one place. Dashboards can also be role-specific; for example, your financial manager can see all your top-level accounts, then you can have a separate dashboard for your Accounts Payable/Receivable team.

Custom Fields and Templates

More often than not, finance systems, specifically, documents, customers, and suppliers don’t quite have enough fields on them. For example, do you need to track the Last Credit Check Date on a customer? This can be added to the customer with a date field which can then be pulled into a list view for easy viewing. Sage Intacct’s custom fields allow you to add free-text fields, dropdowns, checkboxes, email, percent, and picklists to name a few. This means that all the data that you require to be tracked/recorded can now all be in one place. 


Do you have another system that you would like to integrate with your finance system? Sage Intacct has a well-documented, in-built API. This allows you to push data in and out of the system without the need for exporting, reformatting, and importing. This whole process can become seamless and automated with the use of the API. An example of the API in action is having Sage Intacct integrated with your Payroll system to automatically push through the costs to the correct accounts. Sage Intacct also has a dedicated marketplace of approved add-ons that allow integrations.

Transaction Definitions and Workflows

Sage Intacct gives you the ability to set up custom workflows for your documents, allowing you to control what documents can be converted and what they can be converted to. For example, the standard workflow for Purchasing is Purchase Requisition> Purchase Order> Purchase Invoice> Purchase Receipt. Your company may do things differently and require more/fewer steps. Within Intacct, this is not only possible but extremely simple. As well as this, each document in the workflow has a definition that allows you to define what the actions of each document should be and what the postings should be.

Modular System

The beauty of Sage Intacct is that you don’t just purchase the whole software, pay for all of its features and functions, and only use part of it. It’s a modular system, meaning you only pay for what you use. Depending on your requirements you can subscribe to more Sage Intacct modules, giving you more functionality. Some examples of this could be Revenue management which allows you to automate revenue recognition, Contracts which can automate your contract postings, spend management which allows for budget validations, and fixed assets which can allow you to keep track of your assets and automate depreciation postings.

Want to know more?

If you would like to find out how we at Itas can make Sage Intacct fit for you, you can request a demo here. We also have a range of Sage Intacct Webinars which are on-demand and can be viewed at any time, to see which webinars are currently available, click here.

I am a young digital marketer and a blog analyst, Author from Uttarakhand, India. I have been into blogging since 2013 and helping businesses with their SEO requirements. I have 12 years of experience; during the journey, I have worked on many websites and made good friends. I research and share my knowledge with everyone to help them succeed as solopreneurs, businessmen, and entrepreneurs. You can also find me on LinkedIn and see my entire journey.