What Data is Google Analytics Goals Unable to Track? Answer!


Everyone is searching for what data is Google Analytics goals unable to track? Digital marketing professional should know the answer that is customer’s lifetime value.

Google Analytics is a great tool every business must have to improve their business presense and to track the every single data such as clicks, visit, location etc.

Goals in google analytics means that something happend such as someone made a purchase, clicked on the desired button, watch a video etc.

Here are simple basic 25+ Google Analytics questions and answers for freshers as well.

What Data Google Analytics Goals Can not Track Exactly?

  1. Customer’s lifetime value
  2. Making a purchase
  3. Signing up for a newsletter
  4. Watching a video

Google Analytics Goals can’t track the customer’s lifetime value. What happens after someone clicks on a “buy now” button. It doesn’t track customers’ lifetime values and it’s able to record only data for one session in its reports.

How Many Types of Goals Google Analytics Track?

1. Destination – This is the most common goal type. It tracks when someone reaches a specific page on your website, or even sub-parts of that page – for example, a specific product page:

2. Event – an event is fired when a certain activity happens on the website. For example, someone adds something to their shopping basket.

3. Duration – tracks the length of sessions on your website.

4. Pages/Screens per session – this goal is useful when you want to know how many pages or screens someone visits on average when they’re on your website.

Now you are clear with what Google Analytics is and how many types of goals are available. So. Let’s see now What Data Are Google Analytics Goals Unable to Track?

What is the Customer’s Lifetime Value that is not Trackable?

Customer lifetime value tracking and customer profitability are somewhat related. They’re both about understanding how much money a single customer will give you over time. The difference between them – the latter also considers costs, while the former does not. It can be very helpful to determine new products’ profitability before launch.

Advantages of Customer Lifetime Value Tracking?

The advantages include measuring and improving ROI, establishing baselines to measure future growth, and determining new products’ profitability before launch.
It can be very helpful to determine new products’ profitability before launch.

How to track Customer Lifetime Value?

So, now you know What Data is Google Analytics Goals Unable to Track? Now, Let’s see the solutions. There are a few different methods to track customer lifetime value. One of them is the survey method, and another one – cohort analysis by dividing customers into groups based on when they first purchased from you.

One of them is the survey method with which you can send surveys asking about their purchase history with your company and how much they paid for each purchase.

What is Cohort Analysis?

It is a common method that divides customers into groups based on when they first purchased from you. For example, the “one-month” group consists of anyone who bought or signed up for your product within the last month. The “six months” group is made up of those who did it between one and six months ago, and so on.

It allows you to see which group has a higher retention rate: one month vs. six months after signup for example.

Final Note –

We have tried to answer the question, What Data Is Google Analytics Goals Unable To Track? ” The answer to this question is that it can’t track after someone clicks on a “buy now”. It also can only record data for one session in its reports and doesn’t measure customer lifetime value which would help you determine new products’ profitability before launch.

I am a young digital marketer and a blog analyst, Author from Uttarakhand, India. I have been into blogging since 2013 and helping businesses with their SEO requirements. I have 12 years of experience; during the journey, I have worked on many websites and made good friends. I research and share my knowledge with everyone to help them succeed as solopreneurs, businessmen, and entrepreneurs. You can also find me on LinkedIn and see my entire journey.