How to Start a Business Selling Auto Parts


If you happen to have a passion for mechanics and an eye for entrepreneurial opportunities, now might be the perfect time to start a business selling auto parts.

Thanks to the unfettered rise of the digital world, people are now more connected than ever. This could be good news for anyone wishing to start a business on a shoestring budget, as reaching out to new markets and sourcing suppliers can be done, in theory, at the touch of a button.

Here are some tips for anyone wishing to take the leap and become their own boss in the world of auto parts.


There are so many wonderful parts to an automobile, each of them working in perfect harmony to get the job done, or at least; they should be.

In this regard, specializing is a must. By honing your expert knowledge on a subject, you can narrow down your target audience, create a consistent brand image for yourself, and make a name as the company to turn to for a certain product.

Source Your Suppliers

First of all, it is worth thinking about what kind of business you want to be. Do you want to sell used car parts to individual actors? Will you want to sell large quantities of stock directly to manufacturers? Perhaps a combination of the two might work for you.

Whichever direction you decide to take, sourcing a reliable supplier should be a top priority. This will ultimately affect your entire operation, your ability to meet demand, and your efforts to secure a sufficient inventory (if you aim to even have an inventory at all).

Setting up Google Alerts can help you with this should you need to take a blanket approach to your part-searching efforts.

Shipping Parts

The practicalities of shipping auto parts should not be overlooked, particularly since some of them can be extremely heavy, incurring a huge transport cost in some cases.

Thankfully, superb platforms like Shiply can make auto parts delivery a breeze, so it is certainly worth checking out for anyone wishing to streamline their supply processes.

It is worth thinking about your target audience here, too, as their location might ultimately affect your ability to handle and transport the goods in the first place.

Finding Out the Demand

It can be impossible to sell a product, brand-new or otherwise, that nobody wants. A successful business usually maintains itself on its ability to master supply and demand, which means working out what exactly is in demand!

It is worth checking out Google Analytics for trending searches, which is the highest-selling auto part on eBay and Amazon, and what the most common auto parts that need replacing are.

Tips and Tricks

A few techniques worth mastering on your journey towards auto part selling success include:

  • Your ability to create a strong digital presence will help people discover your company.
    Choosing a great logo and brand voice.
  • Knowing your target audience and speaking to them directly through marketing.
  • Your expert knowledge of the auto parts industry.
  • Building strong working relationships with suppliers and clients.
  • Always searching for new opportunities to branch out.
I am a young digital marketer and a blog analyst, Author from Uttarakhand, India. I have been into blogging since 2013 and helping businesses with their SEO requirements. I have 12 years of experience; during the journey, I have worked on many websites and made good friends. I research and share my knowledge with everyone to help them succeed as solopreneurs, businessmen, and entrepreneurs. You can also find me on LinkedIn and see my entire journey.