What is On-Page SEO? Learn the Best Practices for Website Optimization


Do you know what is on-page SEO and why it’s important for search engine rankings? How on-page SEO can make or break your website’s rankings on Google? Don’t worry we are here to help you with complete knowledge.

On-page SEO is optimizing a complete website or individual web pages to improve search rankings and earn organic traffic. On-page SEO stands for On-page Search Engine Optimization and it is a type of SEO to optimize a website and is also called on-site SEO. Many SEO factors and techniques are used to make a website search engine user-friendly.

What is On-Page SEO?

This is the question what is on-page SEO comes to the mind new SEO comes and new business owners. On-page SEO, or on-site SEO, refers to optimizing web pages and websites to help them rank higher in major search engines. Methods such as optimizing website content, title, meta description, keyword placements, structure, UI and UX, etc are used.

Why is On-Page SEO Important?

On-page SEO is very important because it is directly applied to the website so that it can get faster results such as traffic, rankings, and conversions. Once a website is fully optimized and starts appearing on search engine results pages, you can get leads and those leads can be turned into conversions. It is very essential for creating a strong foundation for your website’s overall visibility, user engagement, and long-term success in search engine rankings.

Here are the key reasons why on-page SEO is essential:

  • Improves Search Engine Rankings
  • Enhances User Experience (UX)
  • Boosts Organic Traffic
  • Helps Search Engines Understand Your Content
  • Increases Site Speed and Mobile Optimization
  • Improves Local Search Visibility
  • Supports Long-Term SEO Success
  • Builds Content Relevance and Authority

How to Optimize Your Content for On-Page SEO in 2024

Specific components of a webpage that can be optimized to improve search engine rankings and user experience are known as the key elements of on-page SEO. Let’s see how to do on-page optimization in SEO.

Title Tag

The title tag is one of the most important on-page SEO factors. It appears on the search result page as a clickable headline for the webpage whenever a user searches for something relevant to the page. The Primary keyword should be added on the title tag and keep the title short, unique, and appealing under 60 characters.

Meta Description

Meta description is a brief summary of the webpage and it is also displayed on the search engine result page. It should be descriptive, and informative with relevant keywords to increase the click-through rate (CTR). The length of the meta description is between 150-60 characters.

Headings (H1, H2, H3, etc.)

Headings tags give a structure to a website and help search engines and users understand the page content and where to navigate. H1 should be added once in the content, H2 and H3 can be added as per the requirement and content logical sense. Try to add keywords and their synonyms naturally within the headings.

URL Structure

URL structure is the web address of a page and it should be clean, descriptive, and short to help search engines and users understand the page. Add primary keyword in the URL, make it short, user-friendly, and unique, do not use underscore(_) instead use hyphens(-).

Keyword Optimization

Keywords play a crucial role in ranking a webpage. It helps understand search engine that what is the page about and whenever a user enters a query search engine shows that page on SERP. Include the primary keyword within the first paragraph, and add keywords in the heading and images alt to make the page healthy. Do not over-optimize the page with keyword stuffing, instead use a variation, synonyms, and LSI keywords to make a page relevant for search queries. Keep in mind what users can search.

Content Quality

High-quality, relevant, and valuable content is appreciated by users and the search engine. So make sure the content is human-written, unique, plagiarism-free, grammatically correct, and well-researched. Use clear structure with headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs. The most important thing is user intent, so try to think as a user and make that content.

Internal Linking

Internal linking is also one of the on-page SEO factors that should be done correctly as it can help users to navigate and engage more with your website. It also helps search engines crawl your content in a better way. Link to the relevant pages within your website, and use keywords whenever you are linking.

Image Optimization

Images make content understandable once a user visits the page. It should be relevant to the content and the ALT text should be added within the image so that search engines can crawl that particular image. Use descriptive image name and alt text, and make sure the image is not more than 100Kb in size, the image should be responsive as well.

Page Speed

A fast-loading website is considered the best one as users and search engines both prioritize speed. To make a website load fast check for the images and browser caching and optimize them. Minimize the HTML, CSS, and javascript files, Use a CDN for better speed as well.


Google and other search engines have cleared that a mobile-friendly website will be ranked higher than a non-mobile-friendly website. Hence, make sure your website is optimized for mobile users and mobile-first indexing. Use a responsive design, content, images, and videos should load properly with all mobile devices and screens, and navigation should be easy and mobile-friendly.

Schema Markup (Structured Data)

It is a code added to the website that helps search engines understand the context of the content and rich snippets in search engine result pages (SERP). Schema markup can be added to the reviews, product details, events, faqs, product prices, author, and the elements important on a webpage or a website.

User Engagement Signals

You should also check the user engagement signals using Google Search Console & Google Analytics such as bounce rate, click-through rate, landing page, countries, etc to track how users are interacting with your website. Make sure content is highly engaging so that users can spend more time, use strong CTAs, and improve internal linking.

Outbound Links

Outbound links are those links that go out from the website. These links should be authoritative links and relevant sources to help build trust with users and search engines. Link to reputed sites and high authority websites such as Forbes. Make sure they are relevant to the topics.

By focusing on these key elements of on-page SEO you can get high ranking, organic traffic, and leads that can be converted to the conversion.

How On-Page SEO Impacts Your Search Rankings

OnPageSEO plays a crucial role in website rankings by optimizing a website for users and search engines. We have added everything above and by using these methods, techniques, and factors you can optimize a website and get better visibility.

Common On-Page SEO Mistakes to Avoid

Here are some common on-page SEO mistakes to avoid for better search engine visibility and rankings.

1. Keyword Stuffing

A webpage loaded with keywords and repetitive keyphrases is called keyword stuffing that should be avoided. Search engine doesn’t appreciate this instead you can get penalized.

2. Ignoring Title and Meta Description

Make sure you have added properly optimized meta description and title to the page. You also need to check either they are duplicate or not. This can cause confusion and reduce your CTR.

3. Using Duplicate Content

Duplicate content is content that is copied from other website or within the website. This can cause no rankings at all. Make sure you have unique content all over the website.

4. Neglecting Mobile Optimization

If you do to optimize website for mobile than your mobile users will be decrease and you wouldn’t get benefit from then. Ensure this that your website is fully mobile optimized.

5. Slow Page Load Speed

A slow page load can cause users bounce from your website. No one cares for those pages loads slowly. They can leave the website immediately. hene, check and solve this issue.

6. Broken Internal Links

If your website has broken internal links that users and search engine can not follow those links and this results the negative impact. Make sure all links works properly.

7. No Images Optimization

If a website has high resolution and big sizes images without alt tags those pages can get no impression and no rankings. Search engine crawls images based on the ALT tags and pages loads faster if the image size is under 100KB.

8. No Search Intent

If you can not think as per the user intent than you might loose the real prospects. You will have to make content based on the user intent such as informational, transactional, commercial and etc.

On-Page SEO Tools You Can Use

Some of the best On-page SEO tools you can use –

1. Google Search Console –

Monitors your website overall performance such as clicks, impressions, and average ranking positions etc. It helps to identifies errors, crawling issues, and keywords performace.

2. Yoast SEO/ Rank Math (WordPress) –

Yoast is a powerful tool for WordPress websites. It is a plugin that can be installed and with the help of this plugin you can optimized the webpages titles, meta descriptions, readability, and keyword usage. It gives real time solutions to optimize a website for keywords placement, density, title, description, alt, etc.

3. Screaming Frog SEO Spider

Screaming frog is a website crawling tool that shows the title, descriptions, heading tags, broken links etc. With the help of this tool, one can identify issues such as missing title, description, alt, broken links and many more and optimize them.

4. SEMRush

It is one of the most popular tool among SEO professionals. You have add a website for audit, content optimization, backlinks research and keywords research. It gives on-page SEO reports, and technical SEO reports that can be solved to make website healthy.

5. Ahrefs

It is also like SEMRush that helps SEO professionals to for website audit, keyword research and backlinks analysis. You can do competitors research as well. It gives report and based on that you can do adjustments on your webpage and website.

6. Moz

Add your website to moz SEO tool and find out the issues that can be quickly fixed. This tool helps to opmized the website for better On-Page SEO results.

7. PageSpeed Insights (by Google)

This tool helps to identify the website core web vitals and improve them to get high score. Google search engine appreciate websites those are properly optimized because of their Google’s Core Web Vitals update.

8. Copyscape

It is tool to check the website content for uniqueness and duplicasy. This tool is very helpful as you can check your complete on page content and do the changes if required.

9. Grammarly

Grammarly helps you to write the content without any grammar mistakes. It also checks spelling if it is incorrect, tool suggest the correct one.

10. Broken Link Checker

This tool scans and helps to identify the broken links within the website. You can fix those links and increase the user experience.

By using these On-page SEO tools you can enhance the website presence and achieve the better rankings and organic growth.


Hope now you are clear with what is on-page SEO? Just to summerize, On-page SEO is a part of search engine optimization in which all the changes and updates are being done within onsite. Use all the above shared techniques, tools and avoid the mistakes so that you can have better rankings and organic traffic.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

How to do On-page SEO in WordPress?

You can use Yoast SEO pulgin/Rank math to optimize the on-page SEO in WodPress.

What’s the difference between On-page and Off-page SEO?

OnPage SEO referes to the changes and updates are done within onsite while Off-Page SEO is done using third party resources such as press release, article publishing, social bookmarks, guest post, etc to get quality backlinks.

How long does it take for On-page SEO to Work?

It depends on the website to website, if your website is old and have less page it will take 1 month to do all the optimization and being reflect on search engines. If it is a large website that the process will goes month to month along with the off-page SEO.

I am a young digital marketer and a blog analyst, Author from Uttarakhand, India. I have been into blogging since 2013 and helping businesses with their SEO requirements. I have 12 years of experience; during the journey, I have worked on many websites and made good friends. I research and share my knowledge with everyone to help them succeed as solopreneurs, businessmen, and entrepreneurs. You can also find me on LinkedIn and see my entire journey.